The 1ST Music & Arts MV collaboration from MALAYSIA & BELGIUM ManHanD --老朋友 Old Buddy ManHanD X Olivier Hero X Kenji Chai Online CD store: http://www.eastern.com.my/cd_search.asp?key=MANHAND&type=cd [ ManHanD 慢行 Social Network: ] http://www.facebook.com/manhand.music http://www.weibo.com/manhand http://www.indievox.com/manhand http://www.alivenotdead.com/manhand [ Olivier Hero Dressen website ] www.designhero.tv 马来西亚ManRoom首部与西方(Belgium)著名艺术/电影制导演 Olivier Hero Dressen 及动用多位音效/动画/媒体制作群,在加上马来西亚著名 Graffiti Artiste Kenji Chai 合作炮制这部ManHanD 慢行【老朋友】Music Video, (收录在ManHanD 慢行第3张大碟 life Goes On & On)。结合东西方文化艺术制作交流。在次证实音乐及艺术文化就是世界语言的沟通桥梁,让西方朋友体验ManHanD的『慢式音乐』,而同时也让我们体验西方朋友的另一番MV制作风格。Manroom 隆重推介 ManRoom has made its first International collaboration with Olivia Hero Dressan, Belgium's well-known art/film production director, and not forget to mention the creativity Graffiti artwork from Kenji Chai,who know well in Graffiti illustrator from Malaysia art industry..In the process of producing the "Old Buddy" music video, Hero has included a the best awarded multi-media production groups. This partnership means more than that as it enables a cultural exchange of Eastern and Western in terms or their arts and culture. At the same time it allows us to appreciate different type of music video production style from the Western. Music & Art - is the bridge of language connecting everyone around the world. Let's enjoy this global corporation, a project between the Western and Eastern production. Enjoy the "Old Friend" music video! 老朋友 Old Buddy [lyrics] 曲 Song : MCBee a.k.a BeeMan 词 Lyrics : MCBee a.k.a BeeMan,Toy玩具 编曲 Arrangement : Daeren O.P. : Manroom Production l S.P. : Touch Music Publishing (M) Sdn. Bhd. *喂老朋友 难得有缘你我都仲未走 仲踎係呢个窦口藕到臭 又赖我唔带你走 喂老友我都想救 喂老朋友 咁多年唔见你我都仲未唞 仲踎係呢个窦口冇藕臭 倒不如嚟個藉口 你有冇信心得救 Toy: 酒越擺越順口 朋友越擺越難持久 唔係懶得慰問就係藉口 各有各忙埋首 幾時聚頭忘記吧啦FaceBook問候 记得小學個時一齐從頭罰抄 中學搭住膊頭转头走学篮球 畢業後覺得知己難求 失去聯絡個班希望你哋過的快樂rite now 諗諗感情係要go slow冇得乾撈 過程要經過種種考驗加加減減 唔駛準時報到 自然發展有就有冇就係no 如果有緣麻煩給我擁抱好无 你老花等我嚟幫你roll 老朋友never let go 好 我哋一齊玩到99 years old BeeMan: hey friend最近大家忙啲咩 几时得闲 再出嚟蒲头我哋啤一啤 太耐冇问候係咪都係忙到面青 我哋呢班gang好耐都冇制造喧哗声 flashback up load啲旧相出嚟tag 回顾过去三五成群我哋乜都唔惊 喜欢讲嘢大声 罗嗦我哋就唔听 乜都玩返够本够喉先甘愿go back oh yea friendship will never forget 无论上刀山落油锅又无惧前面条路几斜 赴汤蹈火搭实膊头 大家唔使讲嘢 有啲乜嘢问题 大家心照 咁先最正 有冇钱借 有借冇还借据冇办法写 有人离开有人依依不舍 虽然越大越难再聚埋去hea 但係呢份友情到最后係绝对唔会隔夜 yea yea... Von: 喂老朋友 老旧友 你哋要准备 我哋再约过出嚟咪放飞机 喂老朋友 老旧友 哪怕皱纹皱嗮出嚟 到时再约嗮出嚟还有惊喜 我约实你 喂老朋友 埋嚟握下只手 再细数当初相识於一个乜嘢年头 喂老朋友 一齐举起只手 咪咁怕丑想走不需急搵一個门口 喂老朋友